To help the energy industry meet expanding professional workforce needs, the Energy Providers Coalition for Education (EPCE) has partnered with Clemson University to bring its Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.) to the energy industry. Starting in the summer 2009 term, Clemson’s Electrical Engineering courses are also now available online and being attended by the students from the EPCE coalition.
According to the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the national demand for electricity is expected to increase by 45 percent by 2030. Nearly half the energy industry workforce will also be eligible to retire in the next five years. Additionally, the July 2008 edition of IEEE-USA Today’s Engineer states, “…the need for new infrastructure and technology innovations means a steady, if not rising, need for well-trained engineers. This next generation of innovators and technology leaders will be expected to make critical contributions to solving the challenges that we and future generations face.”
The Clemson University B.S.E.E. degree program provides fundamental education in core areas such as circuits, electronics, electromagnetics, controls, power, and communications. The Power Systems specialization of this B.S.E.E. degree includes courses in energy conversion, power systems analysis, electric machines, and power electronics and drives, and is appropriate for students who work for or plan to work for electric utilities, electrical equipment manufacturers, or companies which rely heavily on electrical energy.
“This degree is designed to meet the job requirements of professional Electrical Engineers, making this degree an ideal credential for companies looking for knowledgeable employees,” said Randy Collins, associate dean for Undergraduate and International Studies in the College of Engineering and Science at Clemson University. “By partnering with EPCE, we can offer this degree to an industry that is vital to our nation’s security and lifestyle and that also has a significant need for new engineers.”
The EPCE coalition includes investor-owned, cooperative, and public power utilities, governmental agencies, associations, local unions and contractors working together to sponsor industry-contextualized online learning programs to help attract, develop, and retain a skilled and educated workforce. EPCE’s membership includes some of the nation’s leading energy providers.
EPCE online education includes a variety of programs for the energy industry including green energy. Being online, EPCE’s courses provide students a convenient, flexible way to pursue a college education and career development while still meeting work and family obligations..