Macrosoft has announced the commercial availability of Resources on-Demand Version 3.5. Specifically designed for electric utilities, Resources on-Demand (RoD) is a multi-user system that manages resource requests & allocations, tracks personnel movements, and supports logistics during power outages. RoD replaces existing manual processes with a comprehensive application to ensure consistent data integrity and retrieval by storm centers.
First introduced in 2005, RoD is being used by leading electric power utilities with outstanding results. This new release incorporates voice of the customer feedback, delivering user-configurable grids and improved lodging functionality. The innovative new Hours Tracking module provides the following benefits:
- Ability to track crew work hours on a daily basis
- Estimate crew/equipment expenditures
- Visualize next day/shift staffing levels with charts/graphs
- Identify “expensive” versus “inexpensive” teams
- Reconcile timesheets and invoices
“The new Hours Tracking module enables storm managers to monitor the work hours of the crews in the field. For each day of the restoration, you can track; when crews are starting, when they are stopping, when they are due back, and how much they are costing you”, said Jason Singer, director of Macrosoft’s Utilities Practice. “This allows utilities to efficiently utilize available crews, while keeping an eye on costs. Since the system maintains historical records, it also helps reconcile invoices and timesheets.”
Intuitive and user-friendly, Macrosoft’s Resources on Demand provides storm center personnel with the tool they need to organize crew and equipment allocations, monitor personnel availability, and improve the assignment process. The system leverages historical data and reports to establish best practices for use during future events.