IBS America, a provider of compliance management solutions that have created a "Culture of Compliance" among customers worldwide, today announced general availability of its Enterprise Risk Management module for its CompliantPro product, the first integrated, flexible software platform to effectively reduce risk and optimize corporate performance for the large enterprise. The Enterprise Risk Management module builds on CompliantPro's abilities to automate organization-wide compliance with particular emphasis on addressing requirements of sections 302 and 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley act.
Enterprise Risk Management's integrated system for conducting risk assessments and control testing seamlessly connects to the existing CompliantPro modules of Document Control, Employee Training, Corrective Actions and Assessments. With Enterprise Risk Management, enterprise customers of all sizes can centralize their compliance infrastructure without investing in additional, costly patchwork point solutions. Enterprise Risk Management also includes pre-defined and ad-hoc formatting reporting options of incidences with an intuitive extraction tool that uses CompliantPro's rich search engine to quickly export critical data into Microsoft Excel, speeding complex impromptu report generation.
IBS engineered CompliantPro to ease the difficult control testing processes that have hindered many organizations' ability to stay compliant with Sarbanes-Oxley and other regulatory mandates. With the expanded capabilities of CompliantPro, control testing is married to a notification system that permits automatic scheduling of notification dates, which are mapped to a wide variety of business process events. An intuitive scoring checklist makes it easy to conduct assessments and CompliantPro's reassessment capability manages the upcoming work list to instantly highlight which tasks are finished and what still needs to be done.
"Today's enterprise customers demand a cost-effective, flexible solution to mitigate risk and automate extremely complex regulatory compliance mandates," said Matthias Grossmann, CEO of IBS America. "The unveiling of our Enterprise Risk Management module significantly expands our ability to provide customers with a proactive approach to achieving an organization-wide culture of compliance."
CompliantPro manages all aspects of compliance including document control, notifications and alerts, escalation and employee training, ensuring that information is available and accessible. Easily configured to any organization's process workflows, CompliantPro is designed to let companies in fast-changing industries satisfy evolving corporate compliance standards and new internal business processes--without customization.
The system operates on a range of industry-standard web application servers, relational databases and directory services and therefore fits well in most existing enterprise IT environments. CompliantPro is suitable for one location or distributed global operations and features a personalized dashboard with real-time tracking to provide users with immediate visibility into the status of documents and tasks. And, because CompliantPro is entirely Web-based, it is accessible from anywhere using a standard Web browser, allowing true, enterprise-wide compliance management, across all departments, business units and organizations with low administrative cost.