Open Systems International, Inc. has been awarded a contract by the Organismo Coordinador del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional Interconectado (OC-SENI) of the Dominican Republic to provide a new SCADA/EMS.
The Coordination Agency (OC-SENI) is a body that was created in 1998 as an independent organization with the objective of coordinating the operations of the various power producers, transmission and distribution operators as well as the electrical wholesalers that operate in the National Interconnected Electrical System (SENI) of the Dominican Republic. The SENI is composed of 15 generation companies, the Dominican transmission company and three distribution companies.
OC is empowered to coordinate the operations of the central electric generators and their connection to the SENI. OC-SENI’s new monarch SCADA/EMS system includes the advanced functionality presented by OSI’s next-generation, .NET based Graphical User Interface (GUI); Remote Console GUI; Data Engineering and Maintenance Subsystem; Advanced Alarm Management System; Real-time and Historical Trending; Communications Front-end Processor; Historical Information System and Data Archiving; Inter-control Center Communications Protocol; Calculation & Scripting Subsystem; Disturbance Data Collection; Load Shed and Restoration; Automatic Generation Control and Dispatch; Energy Accounting; Real Time and Study Network Security Analysis (Topology Processor, State Estimator, Penalty Factor, Power Flow, Contingency Analysis, Short Circuit Analysis); Operator Training Simulator; Common Information Model Interface; and Transaction Management System software products, with standard interfaces to ODBC and SNMP.
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