The Profile P3 from Kelvatek enables onsite analysis of circuit breaker defects during the critical first trip operation
The Profile P3 from Kelvatek enables onsite analysis of circuit breaker defects during the critical first trip operation. This portable, lightweight, hand-held device uses non-intrusive connections to monitor the key current and voltage parameters while the circuit breaker is still online.
It provides the facility to overlay and compare multiple trip coil profiles on a high-resolution anti-glare color screen. A streamlined GUI interface simplifies the entry of test data and retrieval of results for analysis.
As well as indicating the health of the circuit breaker trip and close coil mechanisms, other useful parameters are obtained which include
measuring the main contact operating time
measuring the auxiliary contact operating time
checking the integrity of control circuit wiring
indicating problems with dc supply.
The integrated design enables 3-phase online measurements to be obtained on the handset. A USB port allows the upload of previous records and software upgrades. Also the user has the option of capturing multiple circuit breaker operations over a period of time when there is fault activity on a circuit.
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