DILO Armaturen und Anlagen GmbH has brought a new generation of “SF6 Multi-Analyser” multiple measuring devices to market that allow the SF6 gas quality to be checked easily in accordance with the (EU) F-Gas Regulation and IEC Standard 60480 (reuse specifications). The product makes operation more convenient and offers more options when handling the measuring gas.
To ensure a trouble-free and uninterrupted energy supply, the SF6 quality of gas-insulated equipment in energy provision must be checked. The three parameters that determine the quality — SF6 concentration, humidity and quantity of decomposition products — can now be measured in one single operation with the new SF6 Multi-Analyser. As a result, service specialists can determine on-site whether the gas still complies with the IEC Standard 60480 or whether it needs purification.
The humidity in the gas is a significant quality indicator. In the event of discharges, the humidity acts as a reaction partner and, alongside the discharge energy, is a determining factor in the extent of the resulting concentration of decomposition products. In high concentrations, the insulating properties of the gas also can be reduced by gas humidity.
The decomposition products that result from discharges are toxic and corrosive, and are determined using the concentration of sulphur dioxide (SO2) as an indicator for the total concentration of decomposition products. Air content, which can get into the gas compartment as a result of improper handling, is determined indirectly from the percentage measurement (SF6 concentration). Integrated batteries have been used as the power supply in the new SF6 Multi-Analyser for the first time, thus allowing for self-contained working.
The product upgrade also offers additional options for handling of the measuring gas. The gas sample can not only be stored inside the device and then fed back into the gas compartment, it is also possible to store the measuring gas directly in cylinders or containers with pressures of up to 10 barabs without disconnecting the device from the gas compartment. Cylinders or containers with a pressure of up to 35 barabs can be connected directly to the device without an additional pressure reducer.
The new SF6 Multi-Analyser also offers the option of connecting external measuring gas collecting bags so that continuous measurements are possible.