Photo by Louie Dagyapen, Dreamstime
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IPEC Wins Saudi Arabia Contract for Power Grid Monitoring

Sept. 29, 2020
Manchester-based company IBEC to expand workforce after securing $6.45 million contract 

Manchester-based engineering company IPEC Ltd has secured a $6.45 million contract to deliver monitoring systems for the high voltage network in Saudi Arabia which will create new jobs in the city. 

The company, who are based in Manchester Science Park and specialize in condition monitoring equipment which detects defects in high voltage power distribution networks before they lead to blackouts, will be looking to expand into new premises and take on new staff after landing the project which is set to be delivered over the next 18 months.

IPEC will base engineers in Saudi Arabia over the period where will they supply over 150 monitoring systems for Saudi Electric Co. who manage the national power distribution network across the kingdom. 

The contract, which is the biggest the company has secured since its launch in 1995, is a result of a strong working relationship with Saudi Electric Co. having successfully rolled out monitoring systems across key sites in the Capital Riyadh, and coastal city of Dammam since 2014. 

Colin Smith, IPEC Managing Director said: “IPEC have been active in Saudi Arabia for seven years, working with electricity provider Saudi Electric Co. to improve network reliability in often very harsh conditions. Winning this order is a reflection of the great work we have done over that time and an endorsement of our technology in what is an international, and increasingly competitive, market. 

“All IPEC’s products are manufactured in the North West and this opportunity will allow us to further develop our overseas business, bringing jobs to the region.”

Carl Eastham, IPEC Business Development Director added: “IPEC’s focus on international markets has significantly increased in the last five to 10 years, and this new project really shows the positive impact of this. 

“We work closely with our partners and distributors in international markets to support the supply and implementation of IPEC systems and instruments to high voltage networks.

“Internationally, we have seen significant growth, and this project will help further establish our technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East region as a whole. I am proud of the work that’s gone into supporting and delivering that technology which has ultimately led to this latest exciting project.”

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