The Grid Optimization Blog

Insightful commentary from the experts in grid modernization


Grid Innovations

Faults (Short Circuits) & Football Players

Jan. 11, 2016
Whether you work in a utility, a solar firm or you are a resident who lost power, you probably heard someone mentioned the word “fault” or “short circuit” before.
Generation and Renewables

Delays/Outages..Are You Not Entertained?

Sept. 28, 2015
NYC subways are vital for the livelihood of millions; when the subways are delayed, the whole city crumbles..
Asset Management/Service

Reactive Power & Apple Iphone Storage

Aug. 24, 2015
When you are first introduced to reactive power, you are most likely informed that: reactive power performs useless work
Grid Innovations

Charging My Iwatch

July 27, 2015
TVs, ACs, as well as most other equipment nowadays are more efficient than they were years ago, and they continue to get more efficient.
Grid Innovations

Drones & Balloons: Seen Flying Dangerous Objects

March 9, 2015
There has been a lot of noise recently about drones, mainly since they have been witnessed flying by the White House, Eiffel tower and other strategic places.

The 2014 Utilities’ Soccer/Football World Cup

June 28, 2014
There are a lot of similarities between the 2014 soccer/football world cup and power engineering
grid edge
Asset Management/Service

Distributed Generation (DG) Is Here to Stay

May 24, 2014
Climate change, distributed generation, electric vehicles, solar, renewable resources etc. are the hot topics in the energy field now.

What Does an Energy Control Center Operator (ECCO) Do?

May 10, 2014
The previous blog explained what an ECCO does briefly, what’s unique about ECCOs and the stresses and importance of their job.