Christina Marsh
Left to right: Simon Wang, President & CEO of TAITRA; James Huang, Chairman of TAITRA; Cynthia Kiang, Director General of the International Trade Administration, MOEA; Honorary Ambassador Stan Shih, Founder & Honorary Chairman of Acer Group.

Go Green with Taiwan Campaign Highlights the Importance of Green Energy Solutions

July 3, 2024
The campaign seeks proposals that focus on using Taiwan’s green products and solutions, or on fostering cooperation to achieve environmental and economic sustainability.

Taipei, TAIWAN – The Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Taiwan Excellence and the International Trade Administration (TITA) are encouraging Taiwanese companies to “Go Green with Taiwan”.

According to TAITRA, the campaign seeks proposals that focus on using Taiwan’s green products and solutions, or on fostering cooperation to achieve environmental and economic sustainability.

The proposals will be evaluated in four categories: environmental and economic sustainability; feasibility; innovation; and connection of products or solutions from Taiwanese enterprises. The three best proposals will each be awarded $20,000 USD and six finalists will get a free round-trip to Taiwan.

“It has been Taiwan’s policy to reach net zero by 2050, so that is our goal,” said TAITRA Chairman James Huang. “We want to turn our country into a green island in the 21st century. By green island, we mean a country with the latest cutting edge, green solutions. Collaboration is very important; no single country can do it alone and we have to work hand in hand and that’s exactly the purpose of this proposal.”

Of the six categories that proposals may be submitted in, two of them focus on green energy: 1.) energy and storage; and 2.) energy saving.

TAITRA Strategic Marketing Developer Sophia Chuang said, “Taiwan's energy policy aims for renewable energy to account for 20% of total electricity generation by 2025, with renewable energy generation reaching 27GW. According to the standard that requires power plants to have a 10% reserve capacity, the energy storage system should be built to a capacity of 2.7GW when renewable energy reaches 27GW.”

 Chuang said energy is an important category in the campaign and for Taiwan, “It is essential to actively promote the construction of energy storage systems to ensure the stability of future power supply.”

 She continued, “For Taiwan to develop the energy storage system industry, it is necessary to encourage private investment in energy storage system construction through policies and gradually improve safety regulations to provide better security guarantees.”

Huang commented on the energy component of the campaign, “Energy consumption is top priority for us.”

TAITRA will assist the winning proposals with implementing their green goals by facilitating connections between the winning project leaders and potential partners, including businesses, research institutions, and government agencies.

“These partnerships can help in sharing resources, expertise, and technology to achieve these green goals,” Chuang said. “In addition, TAITRA also has a global network of trade centers that can provide advice and follow-up on potential collaborations if needed.”

Learn about Taiwanese companies that are focused on smart energy solutions:

-Tatung Company offers smart energy solutions, integrating solar PV systems, smart meters, and micro-grids. Tatung aims to reduce transmission losses and promote eco-friendly practices with over 500 PV power stations worldwide and a focus on IoT integration.

-ACBEL POLYTECH INC. invests in smart grid solutions, integrating smart meters for efficient energy usage. They offer advanced metering infrastructure, promoting energy efficiency and reliability. Case studies show success in Taipei’s public housing, reducing energy consumption through smart grids.

-To combat surging electricity demand and power outages, Delta Electronics (Delta) is developing energy storage systems to improve power stability through renewable energy storage. Read more: How Delta’s Energy Storage Solutions Are Enhancing the Reliability and Stability of the Grid in Taiwan

About the Author

Christina Marsh

Christina Marsh is senior editor of T&D World at Endeavor Business Media (EBM), responsible for managing, editing, and contributing to the print issue production in addition to e-newsletters and digital content including podcasts. Previously, Christina was editor of Airport Business at EBM where she was responsible for contributing editorial support for the magazine, writing and compiling e-newsletters as well as contributing to digital content including producing video and podcasts. Before working with EBM, Christina was a multimedia journalist and podcast producer at The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). She graduated with a B.S. in journalism from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. 

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