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Bareground Solutions: Five Steps to Remove Spring Stress With Early Applications

Sept. 5, 2023
Envu recommends a fall application program to keep bareground sites free from weeds, taking the stress out of worrying about unpredictable weather conditions.

When it comes to controlling bareground weeds, springtime often brings a lot of uncertainties and weather issues, including unpredictable rainfall patterns, high temperatures and windy conditions. That is why fall applications are key. Envu recommends a fall application program to keep bareground sites free from weeds, taking the stress out of worrying about unpredictable weather conditions.

When bareground sites are free from weeds, there is a clear line of sight, allowing for improved visibility and safer operations. It also reduces the risk of wildfires. This science-based bareground weed management program from Envu is proven to deliver more control, consistency, flexibility and savings.

Here’s an example of a successful bareground program. Rates and timings will differ with location and existing vegetation, the seed bank and target species.

  1. An application of Esplanade® 200 SC herbicide (5 fl oz/A) + Oust® XP herbicide (6 oz/A) + glyphosate (3 to 4 qt/A) applied between mid-February and mid-May.
  2. A second application of Esplanade 200 SC herbicide (5 fl oz/A) + Method® 240SL herbicide (12 oz/A) + glyphosate (3 to 4 qt/A) applied mid-August through early November.
  3. An application of Plainview® SC herbicide 32 to 64 oz/A with an average rate of 48 oz/A.

Plainview SC herbicide allows applicators to build more control into the bareground weed management program. It provides long residual control with a low active ingredient rate per acre. It’s also easy to handle, measure and mix. Additionally, Plainview SC herbicide only requires standard PPE. Plainview SC herbicide is the definition of less is more when it comes to effective bareground control.

The foundation of the bareground weed management program is a fall application of Esplanade 200 SC herbicide and Method 240SL herbicide. When applied correctly, Esplanade 200 SC herbicide establishes a long-lasting, broad-spectrum barrier to germinating seedling grasses and broadleaf weeds. Due to its chemical properties, Esplanade 200 SC herbicide tends to remain near the soil surface where problematic weed seeds germinate.

Method 240SL herbicide is complementary to Esplanade 200 SC herbicide because its mode of action is different and has soil residual activity on germinating weeds. Method 240SL herbicide also has excellent postemergence activity on most broadleaf weeds and brush species that may be present at the time of application.

The above combination of herbicides is highly effective on most vegetation compositions. With that said, Envu has a more comprehensive, long-term solution for maximum impact. That is why the program includes two other modes of action.

  1. Oust XP herbicide provides additional postemergence and preemergence activity with a third mode of action.
  2. An application of a glyphosate-based product provides a nonselective, fourth mode of action.

When these solutions are applied according to label recommendations, they provide environmentally sound, broad-spectrum, long-lasting and sustainable bareground weed control programs.

Envu is continually working to improve this program. For more information, contact your Envu representative or visit the Envu website.

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL INSTRUCTIONS. Environmental Science U.S. LLC, 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC 27513. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-800-331-2867. Not all products are registered in all states. Envu, the Envu logo, Esplanade®, Method®, Oust® and Plainview® are trademarks owned by Environmental Science U.S. LLC or one of its affiliates. ©2023 Environmental Science U.S. LLC.

By Jason Belcher, Eastern Stewardship Manager, Envu Industrial Vegetation Management

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