
brazil monitoring
Test and Measurement

Brazilian Utility Expands Use of DGA Monitoring

Dec. 14, 2017
During a five-year program, CEMIG identified financial savings that more than offset program costs.
tree risk
Tools & Technology

Technology Mitigates Risk Along Utility Corridors

Dec. 7, 2017
Eagle View Technologies is launching TreeRisk, an intelligent dataset and MapBook derived from EagleView’s proprietary 3D Point Cloud technology.
digital sentinel

Try the Digital Sentinel in your Sub

Nov. 27, 2017
This brief video from ABB Customer World discusses how the Fiber Optic Current Sensor
ATCO, digital conversion
Asset Management/Service

Construction Prints Go 3-D

Nov. 14, 2017
ATCO’s digital construction print conversion aims to improve material accuracy while reducing the need for paper and rework required during commissioning.
Courtesy of BeardedA Photography.
Structures, Empire District Electric Co., project involvement

Navigating the Perfect Storm with EPiC Success

Nov. 10, 2017
Empire has pioneered a game-changing approach to project involvement by minimizing risk and maximizing savings.
Tools and Technologies

Classic Connectors USA Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Oct. 9, 2017
Ten years and many innovations later, we are happy to say we have much more in store for 2018 and beyond.
working persons store

Working Person’s Store

Oct. 9, 2017
Working Person’s Store will be attending the 34th Annual International Lineman’s Rodeo & Expo.
relay sim test
Test and Measurement

Testing a Distance Relay Teleprotection Scheme

Oct. 3, 2017
This video shows a real test of a 110 kV overhead line.
Elia Engineering, transmission system in Belgium
Overhead Transmission

Elia Addresses the Need for More Capacity in Belgium

Sept. 8, 2017
Belgium pioneers the use of high-temperature, low-sag conductors to increase transmission system load transfer.