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  • February 2023
  • February 2023

    CEV Intelligence Report
    Photo by PXiSE.
    ERCOT introduced the fast frequency response (FFR) market to address the frequency control issues associated with declining system inertia because of increased renewable penetration. Inverter- or asynchronous-based power resources like wind turbines, solar photovoltaics and battery storage do not provide system inertia, but they do offer alternative benefits, including, in the case of energy storage, the ability to provide instant on-demand power injections to the grid.
    Distributed Energy Resources

    Smart Controllers Could Help Texas Grid Woes

    Feb. 13, 2023
    Grid controllers that can enable storage project owners to participate in ERCOT’s various markets have made the case for adding battery energy storage in Texas stronger than ever...
    Photo by Scott Prokop, Dreamstime.
    Modern GIS software enables utilities to manage many aspects of their assets in a contextual, visual and map-based database. Instead of the static columns and rows associated with a traditional spreadsheet, information can be tied to a photo or visual image that links to associated media.
    Data Analytics

    How to Leverage GIS Data

    Feb. 10, 2023
    Web-based geographic information system software enables utilities to manage aspects of their assets in a contextual, visual and map-based database.
    Photo by Alabama Power.
    In conjunction with its undergrounding strategy, Alabama Power is increasing the number of protective devices on a given distribution feeder, reducing the number of customers between protective devices and, ultimately, the number of customers impacted by an outage.
    Electric Utility Operations

    Dynamic Data, Technology Drives Grid Improvements at Alabama Power

    Feb. 9, 2023
    Alabama Power uses a complex mix of technology, infrastructure and data to operate a smarter, more resilient electric grid.
    Photo by Joaquin Corbalan, Dreamstime.
    Utilities are most interested in fleet charging patterns – when will vehicles charge, will charging happen at centralized depots, how many vehicles will be charging, what are the best locations for charging along commercial EV routes.

    Electric Fleets are Coming, Ready or Not

    Feb. 7, 2023
    Fleet owners and utility professionals are both thinking about what greater adoption of electric vehicles could mean for them.
    Photo by iStock.
    Storms and severe weather are the No. 1 cause of downed power lines and power outages.
    Transmission Reliability

    Building New Electricity Resilience In the Sooner State

    Feb. 1, 2023
    Oklahoma Gas & Electric follows a four-step process to maximize value in making overhead lines more structurally resilient for its customers.

    More content from February 2023

    Kris Onda says one of the best attributes of his job is being there for the cooperative’s members and supplying them with electricity.
    Electric Utility Operations

    Spotlight on the Line Trade: Kris Onda

    Jan. 31, 2023
    Kris Onda says one of the best attributes of his job is being there for the cooperative’s members and supplying them with electricity.
    Duke Energy Florida’s staging site at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida, housed more than 200 trucks ready to respond during Hurricane Nicole. Crews came from as far as the Midwest, Louisiana and the eastern portion of the country to answer the call to assist Duke Energy Florida to help get the lights back on for customers.
    Electric Utility Operations

    Line Crews Unite to Rapidly Restore Power After Nicole

    Jan. 25, 2023
    Duke Energy Florida minimizes the hurricane’s impact through proactive planning, teamwork and technology.
    HItachi Energy
    Feb Article Digital Electricity Shutterstock 1236384700 Reduced 01 Source Hitachi Energy
    Smart Grid

    Plugging Into Smarter Grid Technology

    Jan. 25, 2023
    Will the next generation of communications technology push the smart grid into its next transition?
    Photo by GridOn.
    UoW primary substation and FCLi housing.
    Smart Utility

    Quick Fault Recovery in the UK

    Jan. 25, 2023
    Based on power electronics, a 5-MW, 11-kV fault current-limiting interrupter can recover immediately and needs minimal maintenance.
    Overhead Distribution

    A Human-Centered Approach to Distribution System Planning

    Jan. 23, 2023
    PGE’s distribution system planning is our first step toward creating a 21st century community-centric distribution system.
    Photo 83241703 © Rickylynn | Dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime M 83241703
    Outage Management

    Energy Conservation, Customer Programs Must be Priority in Grid Emergencies

    Jan. 20, 2023
    Because demand has outpaced capacity additions, ERCOT must rely on better grid operation to keep up with load growth.