High-Voltage Recloser for Subtransmission Debuts at IEEE PES T&D Expo
May 20, 2022
John Gounaris of G&W Electric provides an overview of the Viper HV 70 kilovolt solid dielectric automatic circuit recloser.
Jeff Postelwait, Senior Editor at T&D World, interviews John Gounaris, vice president of Marketing for G&W Electric live from the IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans. Gounaris provides an overview of the Viper HV 70 kilovolt solid dielectric automatic circuit recloser and its features. The device has garnered interest from major utilities and applies lessons learned from G&W’s years of experience on subtransmission circuits.
G&W Senior Automation Engineer Nic Difonzo explains what single phase Fault location, isolation, and service restoration (FLISR) technologies can offer the industry.