Classic Connectors USA

Mansfield, OH 44905


About Classic Connectors USA


382 Park Ave E
Mansfield, OH 44905
United States of America

More Info on Classic Connectors USA

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ClampStar is the ultimate solution for electric utilities looking to reduce whole-span wire replacement costs. ClampStar is an engineered, electrical, and mechanical shunt that functions as a permanent bypass electrical connection for virtually ALL overhead Transmission & Distribution class conductors from 6 AWG - 2515 kcmil. Unlike traditional repair methods, ClampStar's unique patented system outperforms all other methods, providing a permanent solution that often results in a better-than-new condition. With ClampStar, electric utilities can significantly reduce repair costs while improving the overall reliability of their power lines. Plus, ClampStar is easy to install and is PERMANENT, making it the perfect solution for increasing reliability. Choose ClampStar and experience the ultimate in power line repair technology.


Photo by Classic Connectors.

Integrate DLR and EEMS for a Future-Ready Grid

Will the implementation of dynamic line rating and engineered electrical mechanical shunt technologies aid in increasing transmission conductor capacity?
IEEE PES Show Update

Learn About System Hardening and Wildfire Mitigation

Classic Connectors will be showcasing solutions for the upcoming storm season at its booth at IEEE PES T&D.
Classic Connectors USA
IEEE PES Show Update

IEEE PES Exhibitor Helps Utilities to Meet FERC Order 881 Requirements

Utilities can learn how to extend the life of their aging assets with ClampStar by visiting Classic Connector USA's booth.
Classic Connectors
IEEE PES Show Update

Electrical/Mechanical Shunts

A unique combination of saddle and Frusto-Conical keepers provide the most cost-efficient, performance-effective, permanent upgrade solution for extending the life of your critical...
Tools and Technologies

Classic Connectors USA Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Ten years and many innovations later, we are happy to say we have much more in store for 2018 and beyond.